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Over 90 cars take part in The Big NEM-10 Event and Car Meet.

16 Oct 2017

The Big NEM-10 Event & Car Meet held at the Chateau Impney Hotel on Saturday 14th October, drew in over 150 car enthusiasts from across the country for a specialist car show hosted by Nemesis UK in celebration of 10 years in business.

Cars on display at The Big NEM-10 Event & Car Meet
Cars on display at The Big NEM-10 Event & Car Meet.

The event was promoted to customers of Nemesis UK, as well as to members of associated American muscle car clubs. The display included over 90 performance and prestige cars, including more than 50 Ford Mustangs, as well as an array Corvettes, Chevrolets, Fords, Pontiacs and Hummers.

Classic Chevrolet at The Big NEM-10 Event & Car MeetClassic Chevrolet on display.

Guy Tomlinson, owner of Nemesis UK which originally opened in 2007, said: “For our 10th anniversary we set out to put on an event for our customers to enjoy. We understand that there is a huge social side to owning a performance vehicle, owners love to meet up, talk about their cars and show off their styling and upgrades.

Nemesis UK Product Display at The Big NEM-10 Event & Car Meet
Nemesis UK Product Display.

The car meet gained a lot more interest than we’d originally anticipated, especially amongst newer type Ford Mustang owners, and we’re thrilled to have had so many people and vehicles take part in the day. It’s the first event we’ve held of this kind and we hope to run more like it in the future.”

Event Coordinator Dawn Tomlinson, Head of Marketing for Nemesis UK, added: “To create buzz around the event we organised free entertainment for guests including an 8-person race car simulator, and Laser Clay Pigeon Shooting. The atmosphere on the day has been electric and we’d like to thank every single person involved for making our 10th Anniversary celebration such a memorable occasion.

Laser Clay Pigeon Shooting at The Big NEM-10 Event & Car MeetGuests take part in Laser Clay Pigeon Shooting.<

The Chateau Impney was the perfect local venue as it has an esteemed heritage in motor sport and allowed our guests to see some of the cars take part in a parade on the famed Hill Climb route. We also teamed up with other local businesses like Pyramid Car Care, who offered detailing demonstrations on vehicles during the day.”

Attendees watch Hill Climb at The Big NEM-10 Event & Car MeetCars parade on the Hill Climb route, providing photo opportunities to guests.

The event featured competitions and several prizes were awarded to vehicles based on their quirky characteristics. A 5th Gen Chevrolet Camaro, yellow with black racing stripes, won the prize for ‘Movie Car Match Up’ as its design perfectly imitated Bumblebee from the Transformers film series. A classic 1969 Ford Mustang convertible took the prize for ‘Master of Class’ being the most esteemed pre-1980s car to take part. While a tremendously customized sunset orange S197 Mustang walked away with the ‘Performance Driven’ award for most impressive performance & styling modifications.

Featured prize winners. Left to Right: 1969 Ford Mustang, Newer Ford Mustang S197, Nemesis UK Ford Mustang and 5th Gen 'Bumblebee' Chevrolet Camaro 


'Performance Driven' Prize Winner 'Master of Class' Prize Winner 'Movie Car Match Up' Prize Winner
'Performance Driven' Prize Winner 'Master of Class' Prize Winner 'Movie Car Match Up' Prize Winner
'History & Heroes Quiz' Prize Winner 'Hot Shot Shooter' Prize Winner 'Pole Position' Prize Winner
'History & Heroes Quiz' Prize Winner 'Hot Shot Shooter' Prize Winner 'Pole Position' Prize Winner

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Photo credit: Joseph Keys @ Doctor Fuzz Photography, on behalf of Nemesis UK ©

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